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We offer appointment-only consignment inspections on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10-3. Walk-ins are available Wednesdays from 10-4 or until wait times would exceed 4pm. We also offer our Friday and Saturday drop and run appointments. All appointments are made from the "schedule an appointment" page found under the "Consignor Services" page of our website.
For furniture, please scroll down.
When you arrive, come into the store WITHOUT your consignment items and check in at the customer service desk.
If there is a wait, you will be given a number. When your number is called, that means we are ready for you to get your items from your vehicle and go to the "Consignment Intake" line.
Q. How many items can I consign?
A. We will accept and inspect up to 15 items per appointment. All clothing MUST be clean, wrinkle-free and ON HANGERS when you bring it in. Since only 15 items will be accepted, bring us your VERY BEST items!!!!
Q. Do I get my items back that you don’t accept?
A. Yes, we will inspect your items while you wait, and return to you any "no thank-you" items.
Q. I can’t make it there on Tuesday through Friday. Are there any other options?
A. A limited number of fifteen-item "drop and run" appointments are available for Saturday (11-3). Appointments can be made by utilizing the "Schedule An Appointment" link located in the "Consignor services" section at the top of our website home page. Appointments are available for the current and upcoming week only.
Q. Do I get my items back that you don’t accept with a drop and run?
A. No. With the "drop and run" option, your items will be inspected at the time of pricing and any items deemed unacceptable (i.e. out of style, stained, excessively wrinkled, damaged, too inexpensive, etc..) will be donated to local charities.
Q. I have much more than 15 items. Can’t I just bring everything at once?
A. No. But we do have a limited amount of larger "drop and run" appointments which are under the Saturday "unlimited drop and run", appointments available. You are not limited to 15 items, but again, you do give Roundabouts, Inc. permission to donate any items that we consider unacceptable. These appointments are obtained as discussed above.
Q. I have large furniture items. When can I bring them?
A. "Approved Furniture" is accepted any day Tuesday through Saturday between 11am and 5pm. (We do not accept consignments on Sundays or Mondays).
However you MUST get approval BEFORE bringing these items, as our available floor space fluctuates day-to-day. For large furniture items we require that you send pictures to allow us to determine whether your item(s) are a good fit for our showroom.
Use the "Furniture Approval Form" located in the speed bar of our website homepage to send us photos and information about your item(s). You will receive an email which will either tell you we have agreed to accept your item(s) on consignment, or that we won't be able to accept your item due to our selection criteria. We may also approve the item(s), but due to lack of floor space, ask you to resubmit your request. Upon receiving a confirmation email you have one week from that date to bring the furniture to us.
As always, final approval will be given upon physical inspection by Roundabouts staff. As a reminder, you must bring adequate help to load/unload your heavy furniture.
Q. Do you pick up or deliver furniture?
A. No. But we do provide a list of local movers that would be happy to assist you and give you quotes for costs.
Q. If we bring our furniture to the store do you unload it and set it up?
A. No. However, we will assist you in unloading and getting the furniture into the store. We usually have staff available between 11am and 5pm.
Q. How long are my items displayed on the sales floor?
A. We will display your item(s) for up to 60 days. If your item hasn't sold in 30 days, it will be reduced by 15% and remain on the sales floor for another 30 days. Any item not picked up after 68 days becomes property of Roundabouts Consignments Reductions not exceeding 20% may be taken at any time deemed suitable by Roundabouts. Any holiday item that remains unsold after that particular holiday has passed will automatically be reduced to 50% of the current price.
Q. What is the commission split on items?
A. Commission Schedule:
Please remember that we offer our customers a 30 day lay-a-way. If any of your items are placed on lay-a-way, they will not post to your account until the items are paid for in full.
- There is a fee (based on the price of the item) added to each consigned item. This fee is paid by the buyer, and does not affect the consignor’s net profit. Your split is based on the price of the item without the "buyers fee" included.
Q. What fees are involved in selling at Roundabouts?
A. - There is a $10.00 fee to open an account, and a $10.00 renewal fee once per year on the anniversary of the last time you paid your fee.
- Any item that you wish to retrieve prior to the end of the 60-day consignment period is subject to an "early retrieval fee" of 10% of the current price or $5.00 per item, whichever is higher.
- Any item that requires cleaning and/or repair will incur a fee ranging from $5.00 to $20.00 depending on the amount of work required to display your item.
Q. When can I get paid?
A. Payment Policy:
You can get paid anytime!! Stop in any time to pick up any money ($10 minimum) owed to you. You can also use your earned money for store credit! We do NOT automatically mail checks. However, we will gladly mail your check upon request if the amount exceeds $50.00. We can also send via certified mail if requested. The cost for this service is currently $3.75. Just call or email us to initiate this option!